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Good News / Bad News: we’re all full up on employees already. We’d love to be able to hire more of the wonderful people who have expressed interest, but we are all set for now. Hopefully we can grow and hire more of you in the future!
Hiring was completely new territory for us. We had a lot of decision making to do, and it started well before we were capable of actually doing any hiring. We had to outline who potential hires would be to our investors, and explain why they would be necessary and what they would do. Fortunately that was our path toward actually getting those people. We did a lot of thinking about what the roles would be and what they could do. Only to later be more like… eh, let’s work with great people and they’ll likely do great things.
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FullStory gives web teams a clear view into whether or not their designs are providing a great user experience by allowing you to record and replay real customer visits to your site. When you see through your user’s eyes, it’s easy to spot frustrating web design, broken code, and new features your customers crave.
But it’s more than just a playback tool: FullStory captures and indexes every event that happens during a user’s visit – from mouse movements to link clicks. That means you can answer any question about your customers and how they use your site. Think Google search for all user interactions.