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We’ve made some big upgrades to the discussion system on CodePen!

Comment @mention Notifications

You can mention people by their username in comments. We auto-link those to that user’s Profile. Like:


Now, there is a new setting where you can choose to receive email notifications when someone mentions you in a comment.


If you have the setting on, you’ll get emails like this when you’re mentioned:


It’s just nice to know when you’re being talked about, you know?

Comment Thread Subscriptions

I know that when I leave a comment anywhere, I like to be notified of follow up discussion. Now that’s very easy, just click the link in the comment form and you’ll be subscribed.


You can unsubscribe just as easily, just click the link in the same place that says “Unsubscribe from notifications”.

One cool thing here is that you don’t even have to leave a comment to subscribe, you can just click the link. Sneaky eavesdropper! Subscribing to your own Pens threads is handled by the global setting, but this allows you to subscribe to any Pen’s comment thread.

Comment Hearting

This one is just for fun. You can now heart a comment.


It’s just to shell out a little goodwill toward good comments. It doesn’t affect anything other than possibly the other person feeling the warmth of your love. These actions show up in your Recent Activity as well, so even if you leave the email notifications for them off, you can see when it happens.