The Your Work section of CodePen is exactly that. You’ll find it right on the homepage if you are logged in, and it has all of the content you create on CodePen in one place. You can browse and search your Pens, Projects, Posts, and Collections with the search and filtering options.
View Filters
Your Work will show you all of your content by default, but you can filter the view to narrow down the results. You can use the view filter to show or hide forks, see only public or private (if you’re PRO), or focus in just on your template Pens.
The tag filter helps you view content you’ve tagged. Tags are searchable as well: start typing in your tag and let autocomplete take it from there.
You can sort your view or search results with the “Sort By” options: “Date Created”, “Date Updated” and “Popularity”.
Your Work Search
Your Work is scoped to your content only. When you search here, you’ll find your own work. If you want to search CodePen globally, use the sitewide search at the very top of most pages.
The default search depth is “everything”, which will return matches for your search term from your content title, description, tags, and code. But you can change the search depth to narrow the scope.
You can also opt to include forks in your search by clicking the “Include Forks” checkbox.
Your Work represents whatever context you happen to be in. If you’re on a PRO Team, you can switch between your Personal context and the Team context. If you’re in the Personal Context, Your Work will show content you’ve created in that context. Likewise if you’re in the Team context, you’ll only see content created by the Team. You must be in the relevant context: you can’t use Your Work to see Team content while in your Personal context.