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This week’s theme was Details and Summary, and the CodePen community really summed up the challenge nicely! Here are a just a few of our favorites from week two of the HTML Buddies challenge.

Get the scoop on the characters across the multiverse in “Rick & Morty Character Search” by George Park

See the Pen Rick & Morty Character Search #CodePenChallenge by George W. Park (@GeorgePark) on CodePen.

Kyle’s “Digital Monopoly properties” draws inspiration from the Monopoly game’s property cards

See the Pen Digital Monopoly properties by Kyle (@kaisle) on CodePen.

Jhey designs a filing cabinet to stash summaries in “Pure CSS drawers using <details> & <summary>”

Pure CSS drawers using <details&rt; & summary #CodePenChallenge by Jhey (@jh3y) on CodePen.

Pieter Biesemans shares his personal collection of frequently used code snippets in “Code snippet repository”

See the Pen Code snippet repository – Codepenchallenge by Pieter Biesemans (@pieter-biesemans) on CodePen.

We’ve gathered up these and many more Pens from this week’s challenge in our Details and Summary collection.

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