I have a little Pinned Pen of Things I Forget that I revisit quite a bit… when… I forget… things. It occurred to me the other day that it would be even more convenient as a menu bar app (macOS) than a Pen. Maybe an excuse to learn Swift? Nahhh. There’s always an app for that. I know Fluid can do that, but I wasn’t 100% sure if that’s up to date anymore or what. As I happen to be a Setapp subscriber, I know they have Unite as well, which is very similar.
So let’s do this! (This is a macOS thing, for the record.)
1) Make a little website of Things You Forget that allows you to one-click copy to clipboard.
You don’t need a special URL or anything for it. And good news, CodePen Projects can deploy your Project to a URL with a click.

2) Deploy it
Now I click that Deploy button in the footer and can kick it out to a live-on-the-internet URL easily.

3) Turn it into a Menu Bar App with Unite
Then I launch Unite and give it the barebones information it needs:

That’ll instantly make the app. It takes like 2 seconds. From here, two things:
- Paste a better image into the Get Info window so you can have a cool icon.
- If you’re on an M1 Mac, you might have to click the “Open using Rosetta” icon in order for it to work.

That second one is a little unfortunate. Makes me wish I tried Fluid, but hey, this ultimately worked. You’ll know you need to do it if you see this:

4) Enjoy
A totally custom-designed app to help your own brain!